How to Start a News Blog

In today’s world, anyone can be a journalist or a news provider, and more than ever, people are turning to independent journalists. If you’re an aspiring journalist, now is a good time to have a new blog. With that said, you should find your niche. A niche is a specific topic. This allows you to have a topic that has an audience, but less competition. With news, there are many topics. You can focus on worldwide news, US news, or news in your community. You can make it political, have wholesome feature stories, or commentate on the news. Think about what part of the news you’re interested in and have the most knowledge about.

Think of a unique blog name and create your website

Now comes the fun part, creating your blog name. We suggest a name that’s short, sweet and is relevant to your audience. Some names for a news blog could be: Newest News, Unbiased US, or if you’re still stuck try using our blog name generator for some inspiration. Once you have a blog name in mind, it’s time to get your website set up. Don’t worry, this is much easier than it sounds and can be easily done in less than an hour! Checkout our full guide on the best and easiest way to setup a WordPress blog here.

Get the essentials

A news blog may require an investment. If you’re going to do hard-hitting journalism, you may want to get a good camera and a mic for you to have, along with backup batteries. A recorder may be needed for your interviews, along with a notepad. These may be good for your own videos or even a podcast.Make sure you start your social media platforms as well. Facebook and Twitter are great for news-related posts, and Instagram is good for photo and video.

Also, consider thinking about traveling, depending on how far your news blog will be. If you’re thinking about covering local news, you probably have a car or another form of transportation. However, if you’re trying to cover more worldwide news, consider getting accessories to help you with your travels. Portable WiFi and a laptop are a few good options. Also, consider looking for travel deals if you want to travel a lot. Traveling can cost a lot, and if you’re doing it for business, think about all the different ways you can save. Just make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.

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