Lakha Banjara Lake is one of the top and best destinations for family and friends in the field of park, Water Parks and resort category in Sagar. It is Also known as park, Water Parks, resort, Amusement Parks, Water Parks, Picnic Spots, Adventure Parks and much more. Here you can find location, address, phone number, contact number, contact details, reviews and ratings, images of Lakha Banjara Lake, Sagar.
Lakha Banjara Lake placed in Lakha Banjara Lake,, Kakaganj, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh 470002, and Lakha Banjara Lake took a good position in the Park category in Sagar. If you live in Sagar or some where near to Sagar than this will be a good and easy destination for you. Lakha Banjara Lake is a good park in the amusement_park in Sagar because a lot of people are visiting this park, people love this park, this park is always clean, people do not have any problem in coming here and spending time. This is because there are many more entertainment facilities available here. This park also has a safe place for children, people do not face any problem and people can easily entertain here. In Sagar, this park is well known by all and this park enjoys a high status in the category of parks. you can reach this destination easily as Lakha Banjara Lake can be found in various navigation tools like: Google map. It is known to offer superior services in the following categories: park , Amusement Parks , Water Parks, Resorts, Picnic Spots.
The lake which forms the centre of the town, extends over an area about 400 acres. Formally it was perhaps much larger and covered the ground on which the Town Hall, the Tehsil Office and Gopal ganj quarters now stand. The present Collectorate a large building situated on a hill overlooking the City, was constructed in 1820 as the residence of the Governors General Agent. The lake improved and deepened during the famine of 1900 at a cost of about Rs. 7000. Due to topography of the region and the existence of the Sagar Lake very little improvement was effected in the old parts of the town.
Sagar Lake is situated in the heart of Sagar city ( 23 degree 50 Minutes N: 78 degree 45 Minutes E and 517 MSL) with an area of 82 hectares . It is a shallow, rained lake with a small catchment (588 hectares), and its north westward drainage agrees well with the general north westward drainage pattern of the district (Mishra, 1969). The entire lake can be divided into two parts; the main lake occupying an area 68 hectares and a small wetland of 14 hectares . The main lake is well protected by a large number of ghats, houses, roads and a stone fencing wall all around, except on the southern open side which ultimately terminates in the satellitic wetland which is connected to the main lake by a narrow passage through the earthen bound. The rain water from the south-western side enters in the satellite lake through the feeder canal in the west, whereas the outflow is through Mongha weir in the main lake situated at the back of the Ganga Mandir. This weir regulates the outflow and helps to maintain the water level. The main lake is shallower on the north-eastern, eastern and south-western sides, with its deepest point (5.5m) near the fort side and the average depth is around 2 meters. The lake is used for bathing, washing clothes, recreation, navigation, Trapa cultivation etc. A large number of cattle may be seen wallowing specially at the southern side, disturbing and churning the sediments.
How to Reach:
By Air
Nearest Airport is Jabalpur 180 KM and Bhopal 200 KM
By Train
Nearest Railway Station is Saugor
By Road
Main City Area
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